Our Services
Electronic Fund Transfers
Movement of funds from one account to another.
Cheque Clearing
Facilitation of the cheque clearing process to minimize on costs and fraud
Report Generation
Net settlement report generation to cleared by Bank of Zambia
Electronic Funds Transfer
Facilitation of movement of funds from one account of a participant to another with improved efficiency and security in a batched system. ZECHL processes debit and credit funds transfers collectively referred to as Direct Debit and Credit Clearing (DDACC).National Financial Switch
Management of the National Financial Switch (NFS) – a key financial sector infrastructure aggregating domestic Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), Point-of-Sale (POS) machines and Electronic Money transactions from local commercial banks and financial institutions in real time. The financial institutions include payment system providers and mobile network operators (MNOs)Net Settlement Reporting
Net Settlement Positions and report generation for its clients. This process is done after payment instructions for DDACC CIC, ATM, POS and E-Money are netted. The ZECHL is also responsible for notifying the Bank of Zambia of the Net Settlement Positions of participating commercial banks and financial institutions at designated settlement times.Cheque Truncation System
Cheque Clearing operability. A critical process used for clearing cheques using images as opposed to using physical cheques known as Cheque Image Clearing (CIC). The CTS has shortened and standardized the clearing period across the country to one clearing day and thus facilitate early access to funds by customers. Further it has reduced the scope for clearing related frauds, minimized the cost of clearing cheques, reduced reconciliation problems and eliminated logistics problems.Real Time Transactions
Secure and Trustworthy
Interconnected Banking
Unlock a World of Seamless Transactions!.